Difference Between PDF and Testing Engine
In our PDF format; we will provide you questions & answers in text format. We will provide you free updates for 90 days for your purchased PDF. During this time You can download it unlimited times on any device.
In our TESTING ENGINE format; we will provide you a software, that will provide you real exam environment to practice the exam. We will provide you free updates for 3 month of Testing Engine. You can install our testing engine on two windows/Mac machines. Our Testing Engine is a GUI Based and It is Interactive which helps you to keep your test record in your profile so you can practice it more until you become perfect. It also helps you to do practice tests for unlimited time.
Combined package (PDF + TEST ENGINE); in our combined package we will provide you access of both PDF AND TESTING ENGINE.
Note: All Newly Released Exams will be available for download after 30 days from the date of release for Unlimited and Reseller Packages.
Pre-Orders (Exams on Demand) Questions:
Q. What are the Pre-Orders Exams?
Answer: Pre-Orders Exams are those which are Newly released by the Vendors and they are not available in Stock for download. But Our special Team can work out and get all the related Exam Questions of the newly released Exam and get it available for you.
Q. What is Money Back Guarantee of Pre-Order Exams?
Answer: In the unlikely event if we can't make this exam available to you then you will issue a full refund! So there is no risk involve at all.
Q. What will be provided in Pre-Order Exams?
Answer: Pre-Order Exams are newly exams released by vendor, so we only Provide the Exam Questions to our customers with proposed answers. These Answers are not verified 100% by our experts, but You can verify them and get in touch with our experts with your answer’s opinion anytime. For Answers verification and feedback just drop email to support (@) dumpsout.com with your question and answer.
Q. How long it will take to Pre-Order Exams to ready?
Answer: Normally it will take 5 to 14 working days to get it ready. But in some cases it delays due to center exam registration issues. You can always in touch with us for exam update.